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Telehealth: The Advantages of Telemedicine Feb 20th, 2024

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered dramatic changes throughout everyday life — and in the medical community as well. Not only are providers across the country postponing elective procedures, but many are also encouraging people to avoid in-office appointments to reduce their risk of exposure to this highly contagious coronavirus.But what...

Local Pediatrics: Urinary Frequency Oct 19th, 2019

Pollakiuria, more commonly known as urinary frequency, is when a previously toilet trained child shows a sudden increase in frequency of needing to urinate throughout the day. These frequent bathroom trips will be partnered with much smaller amounts of urine expelled than normal. Children ranging from 3-14 years old may...

Kidney Stone Treatment in NC Women Sep 14th, 2019

Women tend to have more problems with their urinary tracts than men do, whether it’s incontinence or bladder infections. Thankfully, in one particularly painful area, women are not more susceptible. When it comes to kidney stones, men do have a higher likelihood of suffering from them, but women should still...

NC HiFu – State of the Art New Cancer Treatment Jun 21st, 2019

There is good news for those who’ve received a prostate cancer diagnosis in the Raleigh Durham area. A new treatment has been approved in the last few months by the FDA that has people very hopeful for the future of treating this disease – the most diagnosed cancer in the...

Women’s Health: Urinary Incontinence Oct 25th, 2016

Unlike most urological issues, urinary incontinence is a symptom instead of a disease or medical condition. Women make up more than half of the 13 million people who suffer from urinary incontinence in the United States. The main factors that contribute to the large discrepancy between sexes are childbirth, menopause...

Women’s Health: Pelvic Organ Prolapse Oct 22nd, 2016

One of the most common women’s health issues, pelvic organ prolapse (POP) has been medically documented for more than 4,000 years. Since some women don’t show symptoms of POP, and those who do show it are often too embarrassed or confused to ask for help, it’s important to be aware...

Local Pediatric Information: Undescended Testicles Oct 18th, 2016

Cryptorchidism – the condition known as undescended testicles – is the most common genital abnormality in boys. While growing in his mother’s womb, a baby boy’s testicles normally form within the abdomen and later descend into the scrotum just before he is born. Cryptorchidism takes place when that movement does...

Prostatitis Facts and Men’s Health Oct 12th, 2016

Prostatitis, and the pelvic pain associated with it, is considered one of the most common urological problems men face. Since prostatitis can affect men of any age, it accounts for nearly 25% of all men’s visits to their medical providers in regards to pelvic or urological issues. Chronic prostatitis (when...

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Info for North Carolinians Sep 28th, 2016

Benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH, is the enlarging of the prostate gland. It is a very common condition for men over 60 and is often seen as simply a natural part of the aging process. While this condition may be a discomfort and can cause many urinary symptoms, it is...

Inguinal Hernia in NC Children Sep 20th, 2016

A hernia is when an organ within the abdominal cavity breaks through a weakness in the abdominal wall. This can happen to adults from straining during lifting weights, for example. But the most common type of surgical problem experienced by children is a specific kind of hernia involving the groin....

More Information on Prostate Cancer Treatment in North Carolina Sep 10th, 2016

The prostate is a male-specific organ involved in both sexual and urinary functioning. It is small and positioned in front of the bladder. The urethra, which carries semen and urine out of the body, passes through the prostate. Semen is partly produced within the prostate and then stored there, keeping...

More Information on Pediatric Hypospadias Sep 6th, 2016

Hypospadias is a fairly common birth defect in boys, affecting one in every 200 male newborns. The condition describes when the urethral opening is not in the center of the tip of the penis, but is instead somewhere on the underside of the penis. There is no known cause or...

Erectile Dysfunction (ED): Signs and Next Steps Aug 22nd, 2016

Anywhere from 5-15% of men who suffer from erectile dysfunction in the United States. Erectile dysfunction, also called impotence can have many causes, some of which are common, like aging, while others can be a sign of a much more serious underlying condition. Most men are aware that this is...

Women’s Bladder Problems Aug 16th, 2016

It’s just a fact of life that men’s and women’s bodies operate differently and are susceptible to different problems. Due to anatomical realities, women tend to have much more likelihood of encountering medical issues regarding their bladders and urinary tract than are men. The causes are many and so are...

Kidney Issues and Pain in Women Aug 5th, 2016

The kidneys are a vital but vulnerable area of a woman’s body. There are many potential issues that can arise in relation to the kidneys. Most kidney problems are both preventable and treatable but may require lifestyle changes or medical intervention. The main task of the kidneys is to filter...

Vasectomy: What You Need To Know Aug 2nd, 2016

Vasectomy is a word that may inspire fear in some men. They might think of it as a painful procedure that ends their sexual drive and romantic life. Getting a vasectomy, while a serious decision, is not a risky, expensive or love-life ending decision. Vasectomies are a permanent form of...

Male Kidney Issues & Pain Jul 28th, 2016

AUNC wants our patients to be well informed and aware of any urological problems or discomfort they might be experiencing. One of the main urological issues that people struggle with is pain in the kidneys. If you’ve felt discomfort in your kidneys, or think you might have kidney pain, these...

Kidney Stones: Symptoms and Treatment Jul 26th, 2016

Kidney stones are often considered the most uncomfortable and common urological issues in men, and they can also be found in women. Here, you’ll find what the common signs and symptoms of kidney stones are and how our 15 board-certified specialists can help patients throughout the Piedmont region who are...

Summer Time Urologist & Healthcare Check Up Jul 20th, 2016

It’s never too early to start thinking of choices you can make to support urological health. With summer upon us in central and eastern North Carolina, here are a few tips to keep yourself in top-top shape when it comes to urological issues and preventing them. Stay Hydrated Getting enough...

HiFu Prostate Cancer Treatment: What You Need To Know Jul 12th, 2016

AUNC is committed to bringing our patients the most technologically advanced medical treatment options, so we are proud to offer HIFU to patients with stage one or stage two prostate cancer. HIFU, a non-invasive treatment approved by the FDA in October, 2015, presents a gentler treatment option with fewer side...

Men’s Bladder Health Jul 5th, 2016

A man’s bladder is much like a car battery, in that it’s easy to take for granted how essential it is to you on a daily basis. Even if you practice a healthy lifestyle and see your primary care physician regularly, it’s possible that you may suffer from or notice...

HiFu Cancer Treatment now available in North Carolina Jul 1st, 2016

High Intensity Focused Ultrasound, or HIFU, is an exciting new treatment for prostate cancer that is all the buzz in the medical community. Although, to say it’s new is not quite accurate since it’s been used successfully internationally for years. But HIFU is new in the United States and here...

Urinary Incontinence information in North Carolina Jun 29th, 2016

We at Associated Urologists of North Carolina diagnose and treat many sensitive conditions for men in the Raleigh-Durham area. Urinary incontinence is one that many men are embarrassed to even consider. This is a condition that is a symptom of a medical problem, not a disease in and of itself....

When should North Carolina men get prostate exams? Jun 7th, 2016

Determining when the right time is to start getting prostate exams is a controversial subject in the medical community. Many health professionals will recommend that one wait as long as they can because they think the harm may outweigh any benefits of early testing. Others notice the extremely high-rates of...

Prostates and Advancing Age Information May 30th, 2016

Every man, including many here in North Carolina, has at least some worry about their prostate as they age. Prostate cancer is so common among men that one out of every six men will eventually be diagnosed. This makes prostate cancer the most diagnosed cancer for men. Lung cancer is...

Testicular Cancer Information & Treatment May 24th, 2016

The areas of care that urologists diagnose and treat are vital for health and well-being. Because of that, it may be important for you to get regular screenings by a urologist to catch serious maladies while they are still early. The North Carolina based urology specialists, Associated Urologists of North...

A Urologist for Men, Women and Children May 18th, 2016

Associated Urologists of North Carolina is one of the largest practices in the state. We have offices in Raleigh, Cary, Wake Forest, Clayton, Dunn, and Clinton and more than a dozen board-certified urologists on staff. Whether you are seeking urology care for a man, woman, or child, our practice has...

Low T & Testosterone Information and Treatments May 11th, 2016

If you’re like most guys here in the busy Raleigh-area, you balance responsibilities like your family and career while hoping to have a little energy left over to enjoy hobbies. As we get closer to middle age, often this gets more and more difficult and you may not feel like...