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High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU)


HIFU Prostate Services (HPS) is a cutting-edge new treatment for men who have been diagnosed with Prostate Cancer and are seeking alternative treatments. High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) is a revolutionary and minimally invasive urology procedure used to fight and remove prostate cancer with almost no side effects or inpatient hospital stays.

As 21st Century medical technology improves, healthcare is moving forward with less invasive procedures that avoid the expensive cost of overnight hospital stays and negative side effects of trauma, risks and pain that come with surgery. The new HIFU procedure uses Sonablate® ultrasound technology that removes cancerous cells in the male prostate without a single incision or scalpel, affecting only the unhealthy tissue.

Dr. Frank Tortora in Cary was one of the first to perform HIFU in the US. Other physicians that are preforming HIFU include Dr. Dan Khera-McRackan, Mark Jalkut, Joseph Neighbors, William Kizer, Emil Kheterpal.

Contact us to set up a consultation appointment.