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Low Testosterone Specialists

Associated Urologists of North Carolina -  - Urology

Associated Urologists of North Carolina

Urologists located in Apex, Cary, Clayton, Dunn, Raleigh & Wake Forest, NC

Low testosterone can lead to troublesome symptoms like low libido, erectile dysfunction, fatigue, and loss of muscle mass. At Associated Urologists of North Carolina, the educated and experienced medical group offers hormone therapy, medications, lifestyle recommendations, and other effective solutions to help you achieve hormonal balance. With seven locations in Apex, Cary, Clayton, Dunn, Raleigh, or Wake Forest, North Carolina, the team can restore your testosterone levels, diminish your symptoms, and help you regain sexual vitality and sense of wellness again. Call the nearest office to book a consultation today.

Low Testosterone Q & A

What are the Symptoms of Low Testosterone?

A hormonal imbalance due to low testosterone can lead to worrisome symptoms, such as:

  • Increased body fat
  • Decreased bone mass
  • Low sex drive
  • Hair loss
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of muscle mass


Low testosterone can also cause depression and irritability.

Testosterone is the hormone associated with bone density, muscle strength, sex drive, sperm production, and more.

What Causes Low Testosterone?

Low testosterone can be caused by:

  • Natural aging
  • Injury, trauma, or infection of the testes
  • Chemotherapy and certain cancer treatments
  • Metabolic disorders, such as hemochromatosis (excess iron in the body)
  • Tumors or dysfunction of the pituitary gland
  • Medications, such as opioids and steroids
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Liver cirrhosis
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes


The male equivalent of menopause is andropause, in which your testosterone levels naturally decline with aging.

During your personal consultation at Associated Urologists of North Carolina, your urologist can help you determine what’s causing your low testosterone levels and the best way to restore hormonal balance.

What is Hormone Therapy?

Hormone therapy is designed to supplement the volume of hormones your body can no longer produce or can’t produce in sufficient amounts. Hormonal imbalance can lead to numerous symptoms and complications, and hormone therapy is an effective way to lower these risks.

Different types of testosterone hormone therapy are available, and hormones can be administered in different ways, such as oral hormones, injections, and pellets. 

Injections can be short-acting, in which case you need to return for further treatments every 5-7 days, depending on the type of testosterone therapy. You can also have long-lasting injections like Aveed®, which only need to repeat every 10 weeks after your initial doses.

Associated Urologists of North Carolina provides the popular testosterone hormone pellet therapy. Pellet therapy involves placing small pellets in the fatty layer under your skin in your upper buttocks. The pellets secrete testosterone, and over time your body steadily absorbs the hormones into your bloodstream. Pellet therapy is especially convenient because you don’t have to think about it for months.

Testosterone hormone replacement therapy can also boost your mood and mental health and help you to feel more like yourself again. 

Hormones can be administered in customized doses to suit your specific needs. The team at Associated Urologists of North Carolina is here to help you alleviate your symptoms with the best and the latest in urologic care.

The practice also offers other treatments to promote hormonal balance and improve health, such as medications, surgical procedures as needed, nutrition counseling, and stress management.

If you’re dealing with low testosterone, find valuable solutions at Associated Urologists of North Carolina by calling your nearest office or requesting an appointment online today.