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Urinary Incontinence information in North Carolina

We at Associated Urologists of North Carolina diagnose and treat many sensitive conditions for men in the Raleigh-Durham area. Urinary incontinence is one that many men are embarrassed to even consider. This is a condition that is a symptom of a medical problem, not a disease in and of itself. Urinary incontinence is usually a sign of an issue in the urinary tract, like an enlarged prostate or weak bladder muscles. Older men are diagnosed much more often than younger men because over time men’s prostates grow and their bladder muscles weaken.

This does not mean that one needs to accept urinary incontinence as a reality of aging. It can usually be treated and the effects ameliorated. The first step is to consider the symptoms, because there are different symptoms for different types of urinary incontinence.

Stress incontinence is the release of urine during physical activity. When one lifts a heavy object, laughs, coughs, or makes any sudden movements, one suffering from stress incontinence will involuntarily urinate. This can occur after one has their prostate removed, making the recovery process that much more uncomfortable.

Another type is urge incontinence. This presents itself in the frequent urge to urinate. When one is sleeping, they may wake up with a sudden need to empty the bladder or may even release large amounts of urine while sleeping. Releasing urine while awake is common in urge incontinence if unable to make it to the bathroom immediately. Urge incontinence is often a symptom of an enlarged prostate putting extra pressure on the bladder or moving the bladder neck.

Overflow incontinence is defined by weak and inconsistent urine flow and the inability to fully empty the bladder. One may have overflow incontinence if they start and stop or have a weak flow while urinating. Small amounts of urine will be released, as well. Like urge incontinence, an enlarged prostate is the main culprit for this type of incontinence.

There is also functional incontinence, which is more about the lack of the physical ability to reach a bathroom. If one’s physical or mental state leaves them bedridden, they will not be releasing urine in a controlled manner. This type is different though, in that there may be nothing wrong with the urinary tract or prostate. Simply, the opportunity to use the bathroom is missing.

Whatever symptoms you may be experiencing, we understand the urgency and discretion of a problem of this kind. It can be embarrassing and make one retreat from spending time in public or with family and friends. You don’t have to live like this. Urinary incontinence is very treatable in most cases and Associated Urologists of North Carolina is experienced in finding the root cause and treating it. We have offices all over the Triangle-area of North Carolina, including: Raleigh, Cary, Wake Forest, Clayton, Dunn, and Clinton. Please give us a call today at 919-758-8677 to schedule an appointment.

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