Low T & Testosterone Information and Treatments
If you’re like most guys here in the busy Raleigh-area, you balance responsibilities like your family and career while hoping to have a little energy left over to enjoy hobbies. As we get closer to middle age, often this gets more and more difficult and you may not feel like doing much after work but sitting on the couch. You may just attribute this to a particularly hard time at work, or the kids taking on more activities, but what if this fatigue and loss of vitality was due to your testosterone levels dropping?
“Low T” is a very common symptom of aging in men, or can be a medical problem unrelated to aging. Even considering this possibility can feel like a blow to our ego since testosterone is so tied into our sense of masculinity. None of us are immune to hormonal changes over time, though. Testosterone levels are highest at adolescence and then begin dropping slowly after age 30. For some they fall quicker. Some symptoms of a larger drop are erectile dysfunction, low libido, and fatigue. But many men may have no idea that this is the cause of their problems in the bedroom or with staying motivated at work.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it may be time to make an appointment with a Raleigh-area expert. Urologists in the Raleigh-area, like Associated Urologists of North Carolina, are experts at diagnosing and treating low testosterone. There are many exciting advancements in this area that they will be able to use to treat your “low T” if you are diagnosed with this issue.
The most common treatment for low testosterone are topical gels, like Androgel or Fortesta. These are applied to your upper-arms, shoulders, or stomach and are absorbed into your skin. Another option, which is showing promising results, is having a “testosterone pellet” implanted under your skin. These deliver testosterone for 3-6 months and therefore don’t require any daily application, like with the gels.
Because we live in a society where pills are so ubiquitous, many men find that a testosterone pill or supplement is the best option for them. They can just add it to their morning regimen of pills and vitamins they are already taking. There are many options to consider but first you should get an experienced urologist here in North Carolina to diagnose if low testosterone is the cause of your symptoms. If you live in Raleigh, Cary, Durham, or the surrounding area, consider calling Associated Urologists of North Carolina to set-up an appointment.